Thursday, January 10, 2013

King Tide

Another day of King Tides here on the west coast. Love how nature takes her own course oblivious to the humans living on her shores. I wonder what the Native Americans thought when the tides suddenly swallowed their grounds for a few short hours....Being the first to till and live on my land I often reflect on how generations past must have seen it. Would they have fished for dinner or reflected on what the water gods expected of them.....

Move a little inland and the dairy cows stand on islands of pastures, gazing at their reflections, got milk?

And living in the wild west, there is still that occasional rouge cow, loving her abandon due to a downed fence line....can't help but hope she enjoys her brief but total freedom. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013


KISS, Keep It Simple Sweetheart!
The best way to live and easy to follow in all aspects of life..... Yes, the year of KISS.
You'll find me on KISS Road this year.